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Chums - Women's Oversized On The Grill L/S T-Shirt

Chums - Women's Oversized On The Grill L/S T-Shirt

Vibrant long-sleeve T-shirt with playful prints and embroidery, inspired by the lively BBQ experience.

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Customer Reviews

Model: CH11-2345

Made of heavy weight cotton knitted with tough air-spun yarn. The COTTON USA certified lineup is proof of high-quality cotton products that have passed strict standards. It is highly durable and features a sturdy fabric that does not lose its shape. The texture increases with repeated wear, making it a long-wearing item.

A long sleeve T-shirt with a motif of a brightly colored iron plate and dining table at a BBQ. The overall design has a loose, oversized box silhouette with ribbed cuffs. The front has one-point embroidery, flowers decorate the dining table, and boobies are secretly hidden in the leaves. The CHUMS password "HANG WITH YOUR CHUMS!" is printed on both sleeves and the back. The design of BBQ ingredients and cutlery is reflected in the letters, making it fun to find out what items are hidden in each letter. Not only can you wear it alone, but you can also wear it as an inner layer to show off the sleeve design and enjoy coordinating it with other outfits.

Material: Cotton 100% 

Delivery Options

  • In-Store Pick-Up (No extra delivery fee)
  • Delivery within Hong Kong

Payment Options

  • Google Pay
  • Credit Card
  • Apple Pay
  • Payme
  • Alipay (HK)
  • WeChat Pay
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